Charles Mooney Dies Old C.P.R. Employe

Thursday, January 12, 1939

A wide circle of friends will learn with deep regret of the death on Wednesday of Charles Mooney, former employe in Ottawa of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Mr. Mooney, who was in his 84th year, had been ill for two weeks.

Born at Osgoode, he was a son of the late Owen Mooney and the former Catherine Blanchfleld. He came to Ottawa about 30 years ago, and retired from the service of the C.P.R. 15 years ago.

Mr. Mooney was a member of St. Joseph’s Church and of the Holy Name Society and the League of the Sacred Heart.

Predeceased by his wife by seven years, he is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Patrick Doyle and Mrs. F. C. Lawyer, both of Syracuse, N.Y., and Mrs. James Doyle, 171 Nicholas street.

The funeral will be held from 171 Nicholas street on Friday at 8.45 a.m. for requiem high mass at St. Joseph’s Church at nine o’clock. The cortege then will proceed to Notre Dame cemetery, where the body will rest in the vault until May, when interment will be made at Osgoode.

The Ottawa Journal Jan 12th 1939
The Ottawa Journal