Andrew Doyle

Saturday, May 1, 1937

Following a brief illness, the death occurred at his home in Osgoode, Ont., Saturday morning, of Andrew Doyle, life long resident of that place. He was 64 years of age.
Born at Osgoode, Mr Doyle was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Moses Doyle. A highly respected farmer, Mr. Doyle was well known and will be mourned. He was a parishioner of St. John's, Catholic Church, Osgoode.
Unmarried, he is survived by two brothers, John, at home; Moses, Detroit, Mich.; one sister, Miss Mary Doyle, at home.
The funeral will be held Monday morning from his home at 8.45 o’clock, E.S.T., to St. John’s Church for requiem high mass at nine o'clock. Interment, will be in the parish cemetery.

The Ottawa Journal May 1st 1937
The Ottawa Journal